Smart contract development: Common mistakes to avoid

Smart contract development: Common mistakes to avoid

Smart contract development: Common mistakes to avoid

Smart contract development: Common mistakes to avoid

Building smart contracts for the blockchain is very different from building applications for Web2. First, smart contracts are immutable after they are deployed on the blockchain, while Web2 applications are scalable and loosely coupled. Second, smart contract code has actual monetary value, making security during development even more critical.

Unfortunately, the Web3 space has suffered numerous attacks and tremendous losses as a result of exploited bugs and vulnerabilities, as well as improperly written code.

Vulnerabilities or bugs that exist in a smart contract will spell trouble for anyone who interacts with it after it is deployed on the mainnet.

In this article, I’ll share critical information for improving the security of your smart contract development. I’ll provide detailed instructions to help you identify and prevent common smart contract vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

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