Nogg – Modern Chicken House Sculpture

I think I forgot to mention …. we have chickens now!! Yes, in addition to our Royal Palm turkeys, we now have 8 teenage chickens. We think they are all girls, but suspect that Bones might be a boy — time will tell. (other names for our new crew ….Scoob, dooby, Daphne, Precious, Glinda, Chloe, and Mutmee). There are 4 of us, so we each got to pick 2 names. Can you guess who picked what?

Nogg – Modern Chicken House Sculpture

I think I forgot to mention …. we have chickens now!! Yes, in addition to our Royal Palm turkeys, we now have 8 teenage chickens.  We think they are all girls, but suspect that Bones might be a boy — time will tell. (other names for our new crew ….Scoob, dooby, Daphne, Precious, Glinda, Chloe, and Mutmee). There are 4 of us, so we each got to pick 2 names. Can you guess who picked what?